“Satva”, promises you to take back to the crafts which roots back to 4000 years and still it sustain an ecosystem of entire rural village of Gujrat. It is made by skilled artisans, who are practicing this crafts from 7 generations. Each piece has been designed carefully with all natural ingredients, right from its fabric. We have used Kala Cotton, which is grown in drought prone area of Kutch, with very less use of water and no pesticides, the whole processing of this cotton right from picking balls, ginning, spinning etc is done by rural women of Kutch. It’s woven by weavers in same vincity. The fabric we have used is not even gone under bleaching process making it completely organic.

The printing is done by wooden blocks and embrace human efforts. All the dyes used are natural and plant based like harde, turmeric, madder, peels of pomegranate and onions. You would be surprised to know that these dyes leave positive impacts when worn and helps people who are suffering from rheumatism, cancer etc.
The process of printing and dying is very tedious and take several days. It starts with first step – doing harde to make fabric ready for printing. Then it’s printed with the help of wooden blocks with resist dye technique, and left to dry for 24 hours and more.
Once it is dried, it goes for dying which is a different process for each color and requires a lot of precision. After dying its dried in the sun and left for a day or two and later it is washed thoroughly in water tanks to remove all excess colors and other impurities and again left to dry! It takes 5-10 days to make a piece of fabric. Since the process is all natural and depends much on climatic conditions, it is impossible to obtain similar color thus making each piece unique.
We as a conscious brand, decided to go zero waste as we do not want this precious fabric to be wasted and land into landfills. Hence we made beautiful fabric jewellery and accessories like bags and wallets, which are made by our artisans.

Thus each piece of Satva is a piece of beauty of long lived tradition. It’s each piece celebrates care and human efforts. It is our step to make fashion gentle for each hand it touches. It is our token of love to all its wearer, who chose to be part of our journey of creating awareness about long lived traditional crafts, sustain our rural ecosystem and environment.